So this thing is very new to me… I am not a good corporate writer, so I am just going with my own style. Unfortunately (or lucky) for you, you will get to know me quite well like this, so I’ve been told ;).

My name is Laura, I am one of the founders of The Unseen, together with my partner, Syafiq. I will not bore you with all the details as you can find those back in our ‘About Us’ section on the website.

I moved to Dubai when I was 21 years young for an internship as a mandatory part of my uni degree. After graduating with a BBA in Fashion, in The Netherlands, we decided to come back to Dubai. Being a fresh graduate and being catapulted into this completely different world, it felt like quite the reality check and a culture shock. Logically, some things are very different back home and I missed how down to earth and direct the Dutch culture is. I was searching to find meaning behind my life here in the UAE.

A lot changed for me when I started working, in 2018, at Mawaheb from Beautiful People, an art studio for adults with special needs (unfortunately it closed-down due to implications around the Covid-19 pandemic). I found myself landing with both feet on the ground because suddenly, my work made a direct impact on the lives of some beautiful people, I felt like I was waking up in the morning with purpose. Besides that, my boss made sure to guide me in every way possible and therefore left me with an incredible foundation. This together with my parents in law their guidance and love, gave me the self-confidence that I needed. Fast forward a good 5 years later, I have finally gotten to a point where I am happy with where I am at and the direction I am moving in.

That however does not mean the road has been super smooth. But really, is it ever?

Taking away from the experience I had at Mawaheb, it felt almost selfish to go back to a corporate job where my work literally would not make a difference in this world. With so many issues and struggles globally, I could not bear the thought of this and decided it was time to make a step in the right direction. I have always talked about wanting to make a positive change in this world and always envisioned myself setting up my own company at some point. Due to the course of the pandemic, that moment came sooner than I ever imagined though.

Setting up the company over the last months has been a mix of feeling terrified, anxious and very excited at the same time. I am obviously still ‘very young’ to abandon all traditional ways of gaining experience in big companies and following my gut feeling. That being said, I am very lucky to have Syafiq and my parents by my side on this ride, to give me the occasional kick up the butt. Without them, The Unseen would not be here now. 

Some of you might wonder where this is all coming from… I have always loved travelling and getting to know new cultures, people and places. Exploring off the beaten path, discovering new things with every trip. I was told stories about the travels of my grandfather, who was a spice-trader in the 60’s, 70’s & 80’s and travelled the world before a time where travelling was normal. I loved every minute of these stories, and I can say with confidence that it sparked the wanderlust that I still carry with me today. But with all these stories also came the stories of the local people, the beautiful products they made and how unfair the world can be. My grandfather saw an opportunity in everything, he always found ways to create possibilities. This has always inspired and motivated me to do good. 

We therefore proudly present you: The Unseen. 
A curation of unique home-accessories that are produced in a transparent and sustainable manner.

All my Love,

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